Jul 23, 20202 min

20 Essential Self-Care Ideas For Mothers

Updated: Aug 2, 2020

If you don't want to burn out, stop living like you're on fire. -Brené Brown

One of the key issues I hear from clients all the time is, "I don't have time." Do you have no time to do 10 minutes yoga, but have time to scroll on social media for 10 minutes? We all have 24 hours a day, and if you are honest with yourself, you do have time to do 10 minutes of yoga or meditation a day. You have to make time. It's a question of priority. Start making yourself a priority today, mama! :)

As mothers, when we neglect our needs, what are we telling our children? That our needs, our hope and dreams and happiness don't matter. We have to start taking self-care seriously and take action in implementing a self-care routine to keep us sane, healthy and happy.

How can you possibly enjoy your kids if you don't start loving yourself? By showing compassion to yourself, you will understand that you are worthy of self-care, and you are ultimately responsible for looking after yourself.

Not only is self-care about pedicures and massages but we need to examine and take care of ourselves holistically, looking at all 4 key areas of self-care:

Based on my own experience and from coaching, I created a list of 20 essential self-care ideas for each area that can help you thrive in motherhood.

  • First, pick one of the ideas that you are most interested in trying.

  • Second, schedule it in your calendar, so you don't forget.

  • Third, get an accountability partner to check in on you to make sure you don't wriggle your way out or give excuses.


  1. Going for a walk for at least 30 mins daily

  2. Doing yoga or gentle stretches for at least 10 mins daily

  3. Making and eating healthy food 80% of the time

  4. Drinking 8 glasses of water daily

  5. Take 10 deep breaths daily


  1. Setting boundaries

  2. Saying "No"

  3. Read positive affirmations

  4. Journalling

  5. Having coffee with a friend at least once a week


  1. Meditation for at least 10 minutes daily

  2. Limit social media use

  3. Listening to a podcast

  4. Reading a book

  5. Decluttering your home


  1. Spending time in nature

  2. Watching the sunset

  3. Writing a gratitude list

  4. Praying

  5. Watching spiritual talks

Just remember self-care is a journey and it usually takes some time before you get into a good groove.

My daily self-care routine includes 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of meditation, walking for 30 minutes and 10 minutes of reading. One of my goals is to journal daily. Like Oprah Winfrey, she writes 3 things that she is grateful for every single day! But right now, baby steps are better than nothing.

If I can do it, believe that you can do it too. Personally, it took me five years to get to where I am, and I'm continually working to improve my self-care routine.

What will you pick for your self-care this week?

If you have any problems starting or getting into a routine, please reach out to me at ms@marisasim, or you can book a session online here.

I hope you have a great summer! :)

Much love,

Marisa x
